Page with a house icon on it Articles

Tips to Save Up for Your Down Payment

You’ve taken a look at some online mortgage payment calculators, scoped out where you want to lay down some roots, and have an idea of the financial commitment necessary to make this dream a reality. We've collected some tips on how to save up for your down payment to get you into your dream home.


Forgotten Housing Costs that Could Bust Your Budget

Purchasing your first home is super exciting! For the most part, you understand that purchasing a home can be expensive, but there are a few fees that some people forget about sometimes.


Tips for Making a Competitive Offer for Homebuyers

The homebuying process can be scary, especially with multiple offer situations that are the norm, but it does not need to be scary! A fantastic real estate professional can help you stay focused and should be your primary source for what matters most.


Top Reasons Why Purchasing a Home with a Real Estate Agent is Important

Buying a home without an agent has crossed your mind at one point or another. A Real Estate agent will become your advocate and more likely than not, they can get you a better deal. Sorry to say!


Forget Curb Appeal, Does Your Home Have Screen Appeal?

It’s no longer about curb appeal – it’s all about screen appeal since in-person showings are less and less as a precaution. Here are some steps on how to stage your house like a pro to get as much bang for your buck.


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